Types of Membership:
1. Professional Teachers in Soapmaking Industry:
The Professional Teachers Membership is for individuals who teach handcrafted soap and/or cosmetics. Benefits for Professional Teachers in Soapmakers Members are geared toward promoting handcrafted soap and cosmetics, increasing proficiency in the trade, improving business skills, encouraging networking opportunities and providing general exposure for the member's business and products.
2. Advance Professional Teachers/professional soapmakers for individuals in Soaping Making Industry:
This category of Membership is for individuals who make handcrafted soap and/or cosmetics and market their products to the public and/or teach advanced level of soap making. Benefits for this category members are geared toward promoting handcrafted soap and cosmetics, increasing proficiency in the trade, improving business skills, encouraging networking opportunities and providing general exposure for the member's business and products.
3.Institute Members:
Institutes which make handcrafted soap and/or cosmetics and market their product to the public.
4. Students Members:
Students studying soapmaking in the authorized organization by our HKHSA.
Membership Fee:
1. Professional Teachers: HK$300.00
2. Advanced Professional Teacher and Soapmaker: HK$500.00
3. Institute members: HK$1000.00
4. Students Members: HK$100.00

Want to see more of our members work? Check out below:

Class Five
Marina's Workshop
Wonder Free
TT's Workshop
© 20214 Hong Kong HandMade Soap Associations